
When you first sent me Sasha’s picture via email, I knew that she was the kitten for me. I can’t thank you enough for sending me weekly pictures of her so that I could watch her grow until it was time for me to fly to you from NY to pick her up. She was so good on the plane home and from the moment she was in my arms I realized what a special kitten she indeed was. Sasha is our pride and joy and by far the most special cat I have ever known. This I know is because of her wonderful upbringing, nurturing, and special attention she received as a tiny kitten from you. You are such a wonderful person and it shows through your kittens. Every day when I look at my Sasha I think of you and can’t believe she is actually mine. Thank you, Soothe Ragdolls Cattery

McDreamy has been nothing less than a “dream”… we are so happy with him. He is very mellow and tolerant of our four rambunctious kids. McDreamy has all the classic Ragdoll characteristics and we love him! I would definitely recommend anyone to go to Soothe Ragdolls Cattery for an adorable and loving Ragdoll kitten. Sincerely,

Hi Mr. Sage Jensen, Sola and Luna are the best cats that we could have asked for! They are doing great and are a huge hit with all our friends, relatives, and dad’s coworkers. You can see how much they've grown and how much darker their colors have gotten. Thanks for everything!

Hi Mr. Jensen, Thought you would like to see the loves of my life. They are wonderful! I did not declaw and they have learned the word “post”! Thanks so much for all the joy you bring!

These cats have been very well taken care of. The Vet thinks they are beautiful cats. I truly feel they are quality kittens. Whisper is outstanding, his tail is huge, and he will be shown next year in 4-H. Cashmere has an outstanding personality. Both kittens are very loyal to me. They have never been sick a day in their life. They came to me very healthy. I must add, the kittens go to the nursing home and bring much joy to the elderly. They also enjoy riding in the car just to be with me. If you want a true loyal friend, choose a Ragdoll from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery.

Mrs. Jensen, When you first emailed me the pictures of Gryphon, I knew he was ours. He is the sweetest big guy and gets along fantastically with all our other pets. He and our doberman, Bailey, have a very special friendship. He will actually groom her. He is not only a loving, affectionate guy, but he is also comical and makes us laugh all the time. He is a wonderful addition to our family and loves to go camping with us. He enjoys going for rides in the car and even uses the dash as a sunbed. He is a very healthy boy and has never been sick since we’ve had him. We can tell that you love your cats and kittens and spend a lot of time with them. He is the flame Ragdoll I always dreamed of owning and so much more. Thank you so much for our big guy, and for all of your help and support since he’s come home with us. You and your kittens are all gems.

I owned cats all my life, and my first Ragdoll kitten was purchased from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery in the summer of 2007. I did a lot of research before deciding on a Ragdoll. I chose Soothe Ragdolls Cattery because Sage was very personable, and the kittens and cats are in a wonderful, loving home environment. The markings and colors surpassed any others I saw on other websites. My Ragdoll, Dolly, is the best cat I have ever owned. Her fur truly feels soft like a rabbit and barely sheds. She is loving and playful, waiting by the door for me when I come home. She purrs often and loves to play with my dogs. She is very inquisitive and smart. I recommend Soothe Ragdolls Cattery to anyone searching to purchase a unique kitten that will bring you years of companionship and joy.

If you value your privacy and want your cat to keep its distance, don’t get one of these cats! I have owned several different breeds during my lifetime, and these are the most remarkably loving and attentive cats that I have ever been around! They will follow you from room to room and will want to be involved in everything you do… even if it’s just laying around watching TV! If you want a loving, one-of-a-kind cat that will capture your heart and are looking for a great breeder, my wife and I could not be happier with Soothe Ragdolls Cattery! Update: as of November 2008 – Mr. Jensen, thank you so much for your help in adding our latest addition to the family, Winston, our blue point male Ragdoll from Sasha & Kayo. He is everything we could have hoped for! Our two girls, Sophie and Tasha, have welcomed him into our home and give him constant attention. I doubt we would have given serious consideration to a third cat if we didn’t have access to you as a breeder. All your kittens are exceptionally sweet, friendly, and healthy, and we can’t imagine life without these special Ragdoll cats to share it with us! Thank you for all of your time and continued support!

When I first brought Fausty home, he was a little shy. I already had my other cat for 4 years prior to him, and he is a very big and scary cat. At first, I tried to separate them, but it was a hassle, and after about a day, I decided to just let them meet to see what would happen. It wasn’t long after I introduced them that they were getting along like old friends! The thing I really like about Fausty is that he’s so very docile. You can pick him up and hold him and he never complains. He’s also very playful and energetic and will play (show off) for hours with the right toy. I’m never lonely when doing the housework because he follows me everywhere, at all times! I suppose my only advice for future owners of Sage’s Ragdoll kittens is to watch your feet because they really like to help you do whatever you’re doing! Since I’ve had such good luck with this kitty, I’m considering another one soon. It’s a bit of a drive from Ames, Iowa, but given the good health and good nature of Soothe Ragdolls Cattery, it’s definitely worth the trip.

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, I wanted to let you know that Violet has been a perfect addition to our family. My children adore her. She has been the best Christmas present. Her temperament is amazing – she’s so sweet, adaptable, and playful. She immediately dominated our 70lb German Wirehair Pointer. She even lets Violet eat his food. She gets carried around all day by my 3-year-old, Flora. We joke that Violet will forget how to walk. We are continually impressed by her good nature and disposition. This is our first Ragdoll, but I’m sure it won’t be our last. Thank you so much for all your terrific help and the wonderful pictures. You made the adoption process a real pleasure. Our family couldn’t be happier with the kitten or the process. You and your kittens are all gems.

Petunia was our first beautiful blue tortie kitten from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery, and Tucker is our second, flame bicolor kitty with the most beautiful red tail. Both have been fabulous with great personalities! They love to be with our family; we have three kids, ages 13-6. Tucker is so laid back; he just goes with the flow and lets the kids do anything with him. They purr non-stop and meet us at the door. We feel so lucky to have found him, and Sage has been absolutely the greatest. From my first phone call to her, she listened to what we were looking for in a cat and helped me choose which of her available kittens would fit our family. She always took her time in answering my questions. When I came to get Petunia, she showed me her cattery. What a great place it is! One look, and I could tell her cats were of the utmost importance and were very well cared for. I was able to see the newborn kittens, those that needed a little peace and quiet, and those getting ready for their new homes. They are so well taken care of; the kittens and the moms have a great living space. Before sending me on my way, Sage went over the paperwork, food, and schedule, making sure I was well prepared when we got home. She has been here to answer questions as they arise. I believe you can’t go wrong with any kitten from Sage. A kitten from Sage is worth their weight in gold!

We had a really hard time finding a pet that worked for our family. We live in a small house right on the highway. We’ve tried dogs, but it was difficult to find a small enough dog who still had a good disposition. We had an outside dog only to have it wiggle its way out of the fence and get hit by a car. Same with our outside cat. Inside cats weren’t an option because of our allergies. Then our daughter showed me an article on Ragdoll cats. They seemed to have all the characteristics we were looking for, plus would work in our small house. But finding one was a different story. Finally, we found Soothe Ragdolls Cattery on the internet. Sage made the wait for our new family member bearable with adorable pictures and updates every week. Bella has been the best pet we have ever had. Family and friends come over to visit and they can’t get enough of her! We will never buy a Ragdoll from anyone else because we know how much Mr. & Mrs. Jensen care for each and every cat and how much they want to make this an enjoyable experience for both you and your kitten. They were there to answer all our questions, and it made a big difference having that kind of support. I will always recommend Ragdolls, and only from Mr. & Mrs. Jensen at Soothe Ragdolls Cattery.

I purchased two kittens from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery about a year and a half ago and absolutely adore them! In fact, I adored them so much that I had to get a third about 8 months ago. My boys have grown up to be such great cats and have wonderful personalities. My oldest, Jake, by only a week, is so intuitive to my emotions and listens like a little kitten, not to mention he is so beautiful to look at. All of my cats get along great and love to play with my two little ferrets; they are all pals. Jake, my seal color point, Nova, my blue color point, and Sabre, my flame color point, are all so spoiled it is ridiculous. It is toys galore at our home and they are so fun to watch at play with each other and with the toys. They will definitely make you laugh, and it is true that they follow you from room to room. Jake and Sabre especially have to know where I am at every moment I am home with them. Jake loves to give hugs and kisses and Sabre just loves to cuddle no matter where you’re at or what you’re doing. Not only are my cats phenomenal, but Mr. & Mrs. Jensen are friendly, helpful, and a pleasure to do business with as well. They truly care about their Ragdolls as breeders, which is why I have only purchased mine through them. When you are looking for quality, it is important to know that you’re purchasing from someone who is truly passionate about what they do, and they most definitely are.

Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, Thank you so much for suggesting I consider the chocolate tortie kitten (our Kailani) when I was looking at kittens. She is sweet and so pretty and very playful, and perfect for our family. My sons and husband love her too. She has been so busy since we got home and is really having fun with all her new kitten toys. Today she is interacting with the two older cats we already had. She wanted to meet them on the second day and reached out her paw under the gate as if to say hello, but they weren’t quite ready to meet her. However, today they spent some time together during the day and did very well. Kailani is so happy and a joy to have around! I would definitely recommend Soothe Ragdolls Cattery to anyone who loves cats and wants a Ragdoll! Thank you again for everything!

Just wanted to update you on my babies... They are absolutely the sweetest kitties I’ve ever seen… everyone loves them. I went to Florida a couple of weeks ago and they stayed with a friend of mine for 5 days… she didn’t want to give them back! They are very mellow cats, yet they still play like kittens… they are so much fun to watch. I want to thank you again for such a wonderful addition to my household. All I know is that they are both beautiful, gentle kittens, with unique personalities. I never thought I would have two cats at the same time and now, truthfully, had I known what wonderful temperaments they have, I might have gotten three!

Hi Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, I just wanted to give you a 1-year update on Punky and share with you some adorable photos. Punky is doing absolutely wonderful, bringing joy to our family every day! Everyone loves her, and the first thing that seems to come out of the mouths of visiting friends and family is, “Where’s Punky?” Punky and our golden retriever, Lilly, have become best friends, and I’m always finding them cuddling together. When she’s not cuddling with the other pets and people in the house, I seem to find her in a bowl, a basket, a sink, or in some other random object. It’s the cutest thing! She truly is a blessing, and I am so fortunate to have found your website and been introduced to my little baby almost a year ago. It was definitely worth the trip out there to get her. I look forward to the day when I am able to add another Ragdoll to our family and will certainly be coming to you! And you can believe anyone I come across looking for the perfect pet will be referred to you. Thank you again for my incredible angel!

Meet Lulu, loving, cuddly, affectionate, and full of life. When she’s not asleep on my lap, shoulders, or chest, she is making me laugh; and by the way, she is not for sale! I recently lost “my Zoe,” my 7-year-old Birman. However, I still have Zoe’s sister Mellie. I wanted to get another kitty for Mellie, as she and Zoe were sisters and very close. Mellie had lost her spunk, seemed more reserved, and wasn’t playing much anymore. I began looking for another Birman when my neighbor mentioned the Ragdoll breed. One thing led to another, and I found Mr. & Mrs. Jensen and Soothe Ragdolls Cattery. I had never brought home an animal online, and at first, was a little anxious about doing so. They put my mind at ease in a matter of hours. Mr. & Mrs. Jensen were (and are) quick to answer emails and any questions you may have; explaining the process of purchasing one of their babies. I reserved one of Crumpets’ kittens sight unseen. I wanted a female, seal point, and preferably with white mittens. I kept talking to Zoe, telling Zoe that I was relying on her to help me get just the right new sister for Mellie; personality being most important. When Crumpet did deliver, there was one female, a seal point, and she had white mittens. Zoe had come through for me. Every week, Mr. & Mrs. Jensen sent a photo of Lulu and an update on her development. I was amazed at how much she changed from week to week, getting cuter and cuter. The entire process of waiting was exciting and fun. I could hardly wait for the weekly photo. And as time got closer for pick-up, I felt like a five-year-old waiting for Christmas. Friends and neighbors asked, “You LIVE in Virginia, you can’t find anyone closer than Wisconsin?” I said, “No, I’ve never met Sage but am so impressed with the care and follow-through.” Mr. & Mrs. Jensen are experts at answering your questions, addressing your concerns, and responding after you’ve brought your new kitty home. The exchange at the airport was easy and everything Sage said it would be. Lulu continues to make me laugh, and Mellie is happy, playful, and full of life again. You can trust Sage, her word, and the quality of her cats unconditionally.

After much research, I decided a Ragdoll cat would be perfect for me. I stumbled upon Soothe Ragdolls Cattery's website and knew I was going to work with them at getting a Ragdoll kitten from their cattery. Mr. & Mrs. Jensen are amazing breeders, businesspeople, and individuals. They are very friendly and approachable. They care so much about their cats. Some breeders just mass-produce cats with minimal care, but Mr. & Mrs. Jensen pamper and spoil the kittens the second they are born. Each week, Sage sends an update and photo of your kitten. It’s so wonderful when you are waiting anxiously for your little one to come home. After Hagrid, my seal bicolor, came home, I was amazed at how true the “typical” Ragdoll personality really is. Hagrid is super sweet; he kneads and purrs constantly. He follows us from room to room and waits patiently in the bathroom for me to come out of the shower. After my mom met Hagrid, she knew she had to have a Ragdoll from Sage. Soon after, Buddly, her seal point, came home. Not long after that, Edward, my flame point, came home to keep Hagrid company. Each kitten is very healthy, and sweet, with his own personality. It’s so much fun to watch the three kittens play together. I would highly recommend Mr. & Mrs. Jensen as your first choice Ragdoll breeders. My mom and I are so satisfied with our wonderful kittens. We’d just like to thank Mr. & Mrs. Jensen for an honest, care-free, easy business experience, and for our beautiful, fun, adorable Ragdoll kittens!

Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, The day we decided to bring home brother and sister Ragdoll kittens, we were and have been pleasantly surprised by the deep love and joy that Calvin and Annie have brought into our lives. They enjoy each other's companionship, so we are thankful to have two Ragdoll kittens. It didn’t take them very long to warm up to our three dogs. Annie has staked claim on Riley’s kennel and can be found snuggling alongside any one of our three dogs. We are glad that we purchased our kittens from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery because they are a fountain of information and happily answer our many questions. The most important reasons we went with Soothe Ragdolls Cattery for our kittens are that Mr. & Mrs. Jensen litter box trained the kittens, taught them their names, and spent time holding them! All of these things were so important because when we brought our kittens home, they were ready to be our family pets.

Hi Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, Our Ragdoll kittens are such a huge part of our lives, we have fallen in love with them. Sweetie is growing fast and is probably double the size of his best pal Cutie Pie, who is our little princess, and so cuddly. Sweetie is a lover and always waiting to be loved! Both are tremendously affectionate, friendly, loving, and cuddly. They are inseparable from one another and from us. They follow us around the house, purring constantly, always wanting to be next to us or on our lap. It’s been amazing! The kids LOVE them, especially my youngest, Mateo, who seems to carry them around most of the day. Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, for giving them such an amazing start in life. You are the reason they are so people-oriented, and we are grateful. We love them with all our hearts and could not have dreamt of getting better kittens. They are healthy and thriving, gorgeous and affectionate. We get positive comments about how wonderful they are wherever we go. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this wonderful experience!

Mrs. Jensen, Nedra has been a wonderful addition to our family! She is so loving and patient with our little girls and loves to spend time with all of us. We are constantly receiving compliments on how pretty she is and people asking what kind of cat she is. She has such a great personality and loves to curl up next to us on the couch. We loved receiving photos each week to watch her grow. Our daughters looked forward to it each and every Sunday afternoon. We each felt like we knew her before we arrived. When we picked her up, we drove to Minneapolis from Omaha and made a nice trip out of it. We spent time at the Mall of America, and the next morning came out to pick up Nedra. You were very helpful in making sure we understood the dos and don’ts of cat ownership as it was our first kitten. You were always willing to answer any questions or concerns that we had. It shows that you really and truly do care about your cats and the kittens. We cannot thank you enough, and we look forward to one day buying another kitten from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery. We all love our kitten and simply can’t get enough of her. Thanks again!

We had been without any pets for many years when I started researching Ragdolls. I found Mr. & Mrs. Jensen and I’m so grateful I did! Our first Ragdoll was a little mitted chocolate girl. When we made the 3-hour trip to bring her home, she seemed to know she was ours immediately. She stretched out on my lap and slept and purred all the way home. She captured our hearts, and it wasn’t very long before we knew we needed another one to keep our Moka company. I contacted Sage again and soon made another trip for our little blue point girl, Bella. These beautiful little kittens were comfortable in their new home immediately. They are the friendliest, funniest, softest, most loving pets, and they were like this from the second we picked them up, thanks to Sage. When you drive away with your precious little cargo, that’s not the end of the relationship with Mr. & Mrs. Jensen. They are always there to answer any questions, help you out, and know everything there is to know about Ragdolls. Do not hesitate to get a Ragdoll from Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, but beware, one will not be enough!

Mr. & Mrs. Jensen are some of the most amazing individuals I have had the pleasure to meet. Their experience with animals is second to none, and their continued help and advice are a godsend. Ravishing Rosie, our little girl, is amazing and has completed our family… Anyone who has the chance to have a furry baby from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery will be blessed… So worth the wait. Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Jensen.

Mr. & Mrs. Jensen are absolutely amazing, caring individuals who are very knowledgeable, loving, supportive, and kind towards their kitties and their new "parents." We fell in love with our little boy Diesel, and Mr. & Mrs. Jensen kept us up to date with his progress with regular video updates and messages. We couldn't wait to get him home. Our household now feels complete, as Diesel is cheeky, loving, and playful. We are really grateful to Sage for all their help and support.

Having met Mr. & Mrs. Jensen a few months ago while deciding on when best to get another Ragdoll, I have enjoyed getting to know them and their precious cats. They love every single one of them, and what they don't know about Ragdolls isn't worth knowing. Can't wait to get our new additions (yes, we're having two) and know that Mr. & Mrs. Jensen will always be there if we need help or advice.

We are so happy with our new kitten from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery. She is a very healthy, confident, and affectionate little cat. This is no surprise as Mr. & Mrs. Jensen put all their cats' well-being first. They are very knowledgeable about correctly breeding and caring for their animals. Our kitten also came with a microchip, vaccinations, a pedigree certificate, and insurance. In summary, if you're looking for a happy, affectionate cat that loves human company, then a Ragdoll is the one. If you do decide on a Ragdoll, then definitely make contact with Mr. & Mrs. Jensen at Soothe Ragdolls Cattery.

Our kitten arrived a week ago. He came confident, gentle, curious, and loving. He immediately used his litter tray, ate, and washed himself. He loves a fuss, makes us laugh, and is already independent. Mr. & Mrs. Jensen are very special breeders in whom you can have absolute trust. The love with which they prepare their kittens is unrivaled. They are family, not just pets, and Mr. & Mrs. Jensen are always there for advice and support as they develop. If you want a really special kitten, Mr. & Mrs. Jensen are the very best breeders you will find.

I can't thank Mr. & Mrs. Jensen enough for all their help and support before I'd even taken one of their fur babies home! They were always more than happy to answer any question I had, no matter how seemingly silly. As several people before me have previously mentioned, you can tell that Mr. & Mrs. Jensen genuinely love all their cats and kittens. I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone who is looking to add a Ragdoll to their family!

I’ve just received my beautiful Ragdoll kitten from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery. She is everything we’ve hoped for and more. She is so pretty, gentle, and cute; I can tell she’s been raised with much love and attention. She also came with all her details: microchip, full vaccinations, and a health check certificate, which I think is extremely important when you’re buying a kitten. With Soothe Ragdolls Cattery, you know you’re getting excellent quality for an acceptable price, unlike some other breeders. You can trust Sage to provide you with the very best.

We have reserved a kitten from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery in the April litter this year (eekkk). Mr. & Mrs. Jensen have been absolutely fantastic in helping us and answering the many questions we have! It is clear how much they love their cats, and it's great to know that they will be on the other end of the telephone once we have our little fur baby. We also received a kitten welcome pack, which provides recommendations on feeding, worming, and information on how to look after them, which is so helpful in making sure we are ready in April to give our kitten the happiest of lives. Thanks for all your help so far, Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, and we cannot wait for April!

Mrs. Jensen is a wonderful breeder, and it shows how much she loves her cats and the kittens she raises. They are all absolutely gorgeous cats, with beautiful coats and blue eyes. They are raised in the best conditions, and she sends pictures and videos every step of the way so we can see our fluffballs grow up before they get home. She is extremely knowledgeable and helpful if ever in doubt about anything. I have complete trust in Mr. & Mrs. Jensen and the way they take care of their cats and would recommend them to anyone wanting to purchase a Ragdoll kitten.

We recently welcomed two gorgeous cats from Soothe Ragdolls Cattery into our home, and feel very privileged to have them as part of the family! Crystal and Shadow are young females recently retired from breeding: both incredibly pretty and wonderfully affectionate characters. It has been a pleasure to meet Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, who gave us a fantastic introduction to looking after Ragdolls (our first) and their particular likes and dislikes. Nothing could have been too much trouble, in fact, and it's very clear that they care enormously about all of their animals. I can't speak too highly of them.

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