Our Beautiful Female Ragdoll Cats

The female Ragdoll cat is typically a little bit smaller than the male Ragdoll. Female Ragdolls also tend to have slightly more delicate boning and smaller head size when compared to males.
Our Ragdoll queens are the heart of our breeding program. ♡ Together we form a team, raising and socializing kittens.
When choosing dams for Soothe Ragdolls Cattery Ragdolls, we search for social, gentle and nurturing temperaments, in addition to excellent health and stunning appearance. We only continue breeding Ragdoll females who enjoy motherhood. Our girls are never overbred, having no more than 1-2 litters per year. All of our female Ragdolls are given daily free reign of our home, never caged and showered with attention.


Bright Crystall Yoko of Soothe Ragdolls Cattery

Blue Bicolor Ragdoll

Foundation Female

Sire: National Winner Lil Magics Walk On Top

Dam: Bright Crystall Pippa

I adore our Yoko! Everyone who meets her wants to take her home. She is an absolute beauty with a puppy-like personality, full of unwavering confidence. Yoko has beautiful, large eyes and a gorgeous coat. She loves to cuddle and give kisses. Yoko is very easy-going, floppy and true to the Ragdoll Breed. She also loves to entertain us and can turn any household item into a toy! Yoko has developed into an incredible girl and we truly could not love her more.


RockCreek Azalea of Soothe Ragdolls Cattery

Blue Lynx Bicolor Ragdoll

Foundation Female

Sire: Lil Magics Mox Jet

Dam: RockCreek Belle of the Ball

Azalea is a very angelic and gentle girl, with a calming and peaceful presence. She loves to be pet and rubbed, purring and rolling over as soon as she is touched. She is also the first one to come running when I pull out the treat bag! Azalea has a phenomenal eye color, perfect coat texture and beautiful structure. She is a stunning example of the Ragdoll Breed. We are really looking forward to meeting her kittens one day!


RockCreek Ivy of Soothe Ragdolls Cattery

Blue Lynx Bicolor Ragdoll

Foundation Female

Sire: RockCreek Orion the Great

Dam: RockCreek Sweet Afternoon Delight

As soon as I saw Ivy, I knew she had to be part of our program! She has the cutest ear fluff and the most beautiful eye color and expression. Most importantly, Ivy has the sweetest temperament. She is a very affectionate, relaxed, easy-going and happy girl. I can always count on her to come up to me, snuggle into my lap and give me nonstop purrs and love. I absolutely adore her.



RockCreek Sweet As Honey of Soothe Ragdolls Cattery

Seal Lynx Mitted Ragdoll | Carries Dilute (Blue)

Foundation Female

Sire: RockCreek Tommy Bahama

Dam: RockCreek Afternoon Delight

In the words of Honey’s breeder, she is the perfect combination of beauty and sweetness! She has a phenomenal bunny coat, flawless profile and the deepest, most incredible blue eyes. I love everything about her. Honey is all things a true Ragdoll should be – floppy, docile, gentle, confident, loving and so sweet. She is as cuddly as can be, insisting on pets and belly rubs as she purrs up a storm and makes air biscuits. She is a real dream come true for me!


RockCreek Delilah of Soothe Ragdolls Cattery

Seal Lynx Bicolor Ragdoll | Produces Only Seal Kittens

Foundation Female

Sire: USAPurrs Rock in the USA

Dam: RockCreek Party Girl

Delilah is an absolute teddy bear! I love her large boning and adorable face. She has a stunning eye color, beautiful bunny coat and the fluffiest tail. Delilah is a gentle and tender-hearted girl, always so affectionate and contact-seeking. She often asks for belly rubs and acts more like a puppy than a cat. This girl is pure sweetness and love! We are so grateful to have her in our program and we can’t wait to meet her babies one day.